inherited PixViewFrame: TPixViewFrame object InputPanel: TUiPanel [0] Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 790 Height = 363 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 OnResize = InputPanelResize object LeftPanel: TUiPanel Tag = 1 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 260 Height = 363 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone BorderWidth = 4 ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 0 object LeftScrollBox: TUiScrollBox Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 252 Height = 338 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Align = alClient Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True OnMouseDown = ScrollBoxMouseDown OnMouseWheel = ScrollBoxMouseWheel DoubleBuffered = True OnKeyDown = ScrollBoxKeyDown OnScroll = ScrollBoxScroll object LeftImage: TUiImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 165 Height = 277 OnMouseDown = ImageMouseDown OnMouseUp = ImageMouseUp end end object LeftInfoPanel: TUiPanel Left = 4 Top = 342 Width = 252 Height = 17 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvLowered ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 1 end end object CenterPanel: TUiPanel Tag = 2 Left = 260 Top = 0 Width = 270 Height = 363 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone BorderWidth = 4 ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 1 object CenterScrollBox: TUiScrollBox Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 262 Height = 338 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Align = alClient Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True OnMouseDown = ScrollBoxMouseDown OnMouseWheel = ScrollBoxMouseWheel DoubleBuffered = True OnKeyDown = ScrollBoxKeyDown OnScroll = ScrollBoxScroll object CenterImage: TUiImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 165 Height = 277 OnMouseDown = ImageMouseDown OnMouseUp = ImageMouseUp end end object CenterInfoPanel: TUiPanel Left = 4 Top = 342 Width = 262 Height = 17 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvLowered ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = OffsetResetExecute end end object RightPanel: TUiPanel Tag = 2 Left = 530 Top = 0 Width = 260 Height = 363 Align = alRight BevelOuter = bvNone BorderWidth = 4 ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 2 object RightScrollBox: TUiScrollBox Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 252 Height = 338 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True VertScrollBar.Tracking = True Align = alClient Color = clBtnFace ParentColor = False TabOrder = 0 TabStop = True OnMouseDown = ScrollBoxMouseDown OnMouseWheel = ScrollBoxMouseWheel DoubleBuffered = True OnKeyDown = ScrollBoxKeyDown OnScroll = ScrollBoxScroll object RightImage: TUiImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 165 Height = 277 OnMouseDown = ImageMouseDown OnMouseUp = ImageMouseUp end end object RightInfoPanel: TUiPanel Left = 4 Top = 342 Width = 252 Height = 17 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvLowered ParentBackground = False TabOrder = 1 end end end inherited JobProgressPanel: TUiPanel TabOrder = 1 end inherited MessagePanel: TUiPanel TabOrder = 2 end inherited Actions: TUiActionList object CopyAction: TUiAction Category = 'Edit' Caption = '&Copy' Hint = 'Copy|Copies selection and puts it on Clipboard.' ImageIndex = imgCopy OnExecute = CopyExecute ShortCaption = 'Copy' end object GoLeftAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Left' Hint = 'Go Left|Positions in pane left of selected one.' OnExecute = GoLeftExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Left' end object GoRightAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Right' Hint = 'Go Right|Positions in pane right of selected one.' OnExecute = GoRightExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Right' end object GoNextAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Next' Hint = 'Go Next|Positions in pane after selected one.' OnExecute = GoNextExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Next' end object GoPrevAction: TUiAction Category = 'Search' Caption = 'Go Prev' Hint = 'Go Prev|Positions in pane before selected one.' OnExecute = GoPrevExecute ShortCaption = 'Go Prev' end object DiffPictureNoneAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Hide Difference Panel' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Hide Difference Panel|Suppresses center comparison panel.' ImageIndex = imgPixCompareNone OnExecute = DiffPictureExecute ShortCaption = 'No' end object DiffPictureToleranceAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Tolerance Mode' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Tolerance Mode|Detects pixel differences greater than tolerance.' ImageIndex = imgPixCompareTolerance OnExecute = DiffPictureExecute ShortCaption = 'Tol' end object DiffPictureRangeAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Mismatch Range Mode' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Mismatch Range Mode|Measures degree of pixel difference.' ImageIndex = imgPixCompareRange OnExecute = DiffPictureExecute ShortCaption = 'Range' end object DiffPictureBinaryOpAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Binary Operation Mode' GroupIndex = 10 Hint = 'Binary Operation Mode|Performs binary operation.' ImageIndex = imgPixCompareBinaryOp OnExecute = DiffPictureExecute ShortCaption = 'Binary' end object StretchAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Stretch to Same Size' Hint = 'Stretch to Same Size|Forces pictures to have same height and wid' + 'th.' ImageIndex = imgPixStretch OnExecute = StretchExecute ShortCaption = 'Stretch' end object OffsetResetAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Reset Difference Offset' Hint = 'Reset Difference Offset|Realigns top left corner of both picture' + 's.' OnExecute = OffsetResetExecute end object SideBySideAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Side-by-side &Layout' GroupIndex = 20 Hint = 'Side-by-side Layout|Arranges panes side-by-side.' ImageIndex = imgSideBySide OnExecute = OverUnderExecute ShortCaption = 'Normal' end object OverUnderAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = '&Over-under Layout' GroupIndex = 20 Hint = 'Over-under Layout|Arranges panes above and below each other.' ImageIndex = imgOverUnder OnExecute = OverUnderExecute ShortCaption = 'Stacked' end object ZoomAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = '&Zoom' Hint = 'Zoom|Lists zoom choices.' OnExecute = ZoomPopulate end object ZoomInAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Zoom In' Hint = 'Zoom In|Makes pictures appear to be larger.' ImageIndex = imgZoomIn OnExecute = ZoomExecute ShortCaption = 'In' end object ZoomOutAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' Caption = 'Zoom Out' Hint = 'Zoom Out|Makes pictures appear to be smaller.' ImageIndex = imgZoomOut OnExecute = ZoomExecute ShortCaption = 'Out' end object ZoomAutoAction: TUiAction Category = 'View' AutoCheck = True Caption = 'AutoZoom' Hint = 'AutoZoom|Makes pictures appear to fill panes.' ImageIndex = imgPixZoomAuto OnExecute = ZoomAutoExecute ShortCaption = 'Auto' end end object DragTimer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 50 OnTimer = DragTimerTimer Left = 32 end end